Homework and lessons tips
12 July, 2022
Oh the lessons! A redundant task which represents a real challenge for parents and which too often turns into a moment of discord.
Our routine chart and My little sequences stickers are the perfect tools to help children integrate homework and lessons into their evening routine.
That said, all parents know that once homework time is well integrated into the routine, the most difficult thing is to keep children motivated and involved in their academic learning.
So we've created a little trick for you to give you a little boost in your role as a motivator.
Thanks to this little combination, your child will be able to evaluate himself. Did I do everything I had to do? Did I do my best? Did I keep a good attitude? Let him think about his way of doing things and offer him possible solutions to improve. For example, if he can't do everything and he has trouble concentrating, it may be because he works in a place full of distractions or because the timing does not is not adequate. Maybe he needs a good period of outdoor play to stretch himself before getting down to business?
For your part, you can also try to vary the ways of doing things to help him stay motivated. Redundancy has a great impact on the motivation of our children. For example, studying vocabulary words can quickly become boring. Writing the same words the same way every day can get boring. Why not do things differently every day. Here are some ideas to inspire you. Suggest a new way of doing when you observe a lack of motivation or use a different way each day of the week.
The hanged man
On an erasable board or on a piece of paper, play hanged man with the words under study. Each in turn, lead the game, the important thing is that he sees the words as often as possible.
Words with missing letters
Write the vocabulary words omitting letters. Let your child complete the words by adding the missing letters.
In a window or a mirror
Use washable window crayons and have her write the words in the kitchen window or bathroom mirror.
multicolored words
Take out your best colored pencils to write the words and change color for each letter. Why not add a challenge by using two different colors to write the words, one for the vowels and one for the consonants?
Room by room
It's time to break out the dusty scrabble game. Use the coins to write the words. Add an extra challenge by trying to place them on the game board.
On the screens
A great way to use screens! Have the words written on the computer or on the tablet. Why not write crazy sentences with the words inside?
To spell
Spell the words forwards and backwards.
Trace the letters with your fingers or a stick in a sandbox.
Think about what your child likes to do!
He likes gymnastics? Have him recite the words upside down. Ask him to recite as many words as possible while balancing on one foot.
He likes to play pear ball? Spell vocabulary words by tapping the ball.
He likes basketball? Ask him to spell his words while dribbling.
Be creative! Apply the same ideas for learning verbs and multiplication tables.