Discusses and draws with Marja Monette-Milette - Interview conducted as part of the 5-8 Screenless Challenge
29 October, 2018
Mom of two young children, quasi-Olympic champion in the morning sprint, proud owner of Dexter the little hamster in her head and dreamy inveterate, Marja, aka The Perfect Imperfect Mom, blogs his world, his favorites, his emotions of the moment, recipes... and always with a touch of humor and simplicity! After all, everything is complicated enough! She works to forget guilt and leave room for creativity. How many children do you have and how old are they? I have two children, Isaac 6 and Charlie 4 years old How many screens do you have at home? 2 TVs, 2 laptops, 1 tablet... 2 TVs and a tablet On a "normal" weekday, how many hours are you with your children? I would say it varies between 4-6 hours/day How many hours a day do you check the screens? Too much! In fact, 'e problem is that I use the screens a lot as part of my work. I don't listen to tv so much, but I'm very active on the social media side which quickly increases the time I spend in front of the screen. What habit have you lost because of (or thanks to) technology? Get! Since screens now allow me to work anywhere anytime, I too often give myself the luxury of dropping out completely. What's the app you can't do without on your cell phone? Facebook/Instagram What app should you delete? Facebook/Instagram lol!!! In fact here are the 2 main reasons that keep me on screen. Respond to messages/comments, publish, interact... Is it difficult to manage your own screen consumption? Oh yes and even though I have the perfect excuse (work), it's something I'm working hard for to change my habits. Impose myself on me too, not just my children a screen time. Is there a screen rule in your home? As a rule of the week, there is no screen if the routine is not completed. Mom and Dad squeeze their phones when they arrive home and don't take it out until the kids go to bed. Are you more of an airplane mode or FOMO (fear of missing out)? Airplane mode, I had no choice! I was so carried to always take a look at my notifications that it was pathetic. And this mode allows me to pick up screens much more easily!
As part of the "Challenge 58 without screens" Marja invites you to discuss and draw under the theme of DESSINE A BEAU MOMENT OF Your DAY. A simple way to start the discussion with our children (sometimes not very talkative) about the course of their day! Of course, parents also draw!
Don't hesitate to share photos of your 5-8 on social media using #Défi5a8sansécrans
In burst:
Your favorite board game? Expressio Your favorite children's book? The Bath of Berk (I have to name only one?! It's torture!) Your favorite app for kids? hi Your favorite family outing? I have a soft spot for the clip'n climb! The toy that can captivate your children for hours? Costumes, in short all that can allow them to play a role!!!