The little story of Les Belles Combines
01 November, 2019
It was 2015, I had just given birth to Simone my first daughter! As a birth gift, I received a pink colour cover with glitter, on which was written "I can't stop talking on my cellphone». It was kind of all I didn't like. Pink and glitter, English writing and the hint of cell phone addiction! It was in the era when Quebec children's fashion took off. The days when companies like Alice and Simone or Blacksnaps broke through the market. Black and white and unisex clothing were popular. So I started drawing t-shirts that I would have liked to have worn to my children. Significant messages, icons of Quebec culture and grammar rules. I imagined my children proudly wearing Louis Cyr or the rule Hiboux cabbage knees. One morning, I shared my idea with my big sister graphic designer. He liked the idea and we embarked on a creative trip, just for fun. But as our respective temperaments did not allow us to do things halfway, we embarked on the big deal: Facebook page pre-launch, website, original photo shoot, etc. So much so that at the time of the launch of the first collection we already had two outlets. The day after the launch, an article appeared on la Presse - and another on the Huffington Post. Our clothes were selling super well, our Facebook page was receiving more and more subscribers and we were living our first entrepreneurial trip! Life pushing me to get into this business, I wanted to market all these tools that I had set up at home for my marmalade. An angry box to calm the great emotions of the older, a positive reinforcement system to motivate the second and a family planner for me to better manage my mental load. So we've launched a collection of educational tools to make life easier for families! That's where the fun started! For me it was the dream job! Live my family life and market in the form of content or products everything that was going on in my daily life! It was at this time that Mary, my second daughter, fourth in the lineage, arrived. Beautiful Mary, she will have clearly developed her capacity for adpatation. Marie followed me everywhere, in all markets and salons. I remember Mary sleeping in boxes of t-shirts under the table at our Pop Fleas or Christmas Market! She followed me everywhere! From thread to needle, we've created miles and tools to make your life easier! You are now thousands of families to use them. There are more than 33,000 families following us on social media! It's crazy and it's so much more than you could ever have imagined! In the coming years, Les Belles Combines has 1001 major projects! I am currently working on content that will allow you to manage your family life with a lot of zenitude! For years to come I will be this friend, this big sister who has years of experience behind the tie! This resource person who selects and reads for us all the most relevant books on the subject, but who also has the ability to turn this valuable information into 1001 creative, fun and practical tips. I promise to make your daily life light, fun and above all to help you value yourself in your role as a parent, preventing you from turning into mother at boutte! Follow us on social networks so you don't miss anything because 2020 will be rich in content believe me! Instagram Facebook