Often, for children and adults alike, small pleasures do not need to be material or expensive . In fact, these special moments are often linked to the special attention of loved ones that allow us to escape from the daily routine . Concrete experiences are also crucial for children's learning, particularly those that involve interactions and exchanges, thus strengthening attachment bonds.
So, simple gestures such as a conversation, a quality one-on-one time or the recognition of a child's efforts are important markers of attention that contribute positively to their development. To ensure you do this on a daily basis, why not establish the practice of asking children, before going to bed, what they appreciated most about their day as well as their wishes for the next day ? This will not only allow the child to end their day on a positive note, but will also give parents ideas for small kind gestures to carry out the following day.
Finally, as parents, also get into the habit of noting your own little daily joys , in order to foster a positive and attentive atmosphere within the family. As little daily joys have a significant role in the well-being and development of children , it is more than important to think about valuing them!
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