In addition to allowing you to obtain valuable help with household chores and making your children understand the importance of contributing actively to family life , involving children in carrying out household chores allows them to develop numerous motor skills and acquire the precious sense of effort that will serve them well throughout their lives.
In order to help you easily assign tasks to your little ones as well as to your older ones, Les Belles Combines has designed a set of task magnets that you can place on the weekly planner or the large family task board as well as on the small board. your child's personal tasks . The proposed tasks have been divided into six different levels corresponding to as many different colors, specially designed for all these reasons:
Tasks that match the child's developmental level
Obviously, a three-year-old cannot do the same tasks as his ten-year-old big brother, and it is of course important to teach your child to develop various skills related to the execution of household chores as they go along. as he grows.
Colors that make task assignment easier
As each level corresponds to a different color, it is easy for the child to know what tasks he will have to accomplish during the day or the week to come. Similarly, when all the task magnets are placed on a large weekly task board used by the whole family, it is easier for the parent to quickly know which child has indeed fulfilled the responsibilities. assigned to him for the week.
A Level Up Ritual
With each level change, the child is not only assigned new tasks corresponding of course to a higher level of difficulty, but also new privileges! Because growing up means not only having more responsibilities, but also finally obtaining more often much appreciated freedoms! Discover the little trick that will allow you to easily determine the new freedoms to grant your child according to the level reached!
Ready to have the whole family contribute to household chores? Discover all our practical and effective tools, which will certainly motivate young and old alike!