Tips for properly defining your scale of values

11 October, 2022

Because life often goes too fast and the family schedule can often quickly become overloaded, it is important to clearly define your priorities in order to be able to devote your precious time to what really matters to you and your family . To do this, we invite you today to define your scale of values , which will over time become your true parental compass and which will allow you not only to better choose the members of your entourage, but also your activities, the projects to be carried out and even your life goals.

So, when the time comes to organize your schedule and choose extracurricular activities for your children, your values ​​will dictate the choice to make and allow you to fully assume responsibility for the decision . Are you hesitating between playing the piano and taking swimming lessons for your children? Here are the questions to ask yourself according to different values:

The family

What day do the classes take place? Do their durations interfere with the possibility of doing family activities or visiting grandparents on weekends?


Will the course you are taking allow your children to continue a family tradition? Would you like to pass on your love of music or your swimming skills to your offspring?

Pleasure and slowness

Which activity do children enjoy more? Does one of the two courses require them to sacrifice another activity they enjoy?


Does the chosen activity allow all members of the family to move or does it force parents or some children to wait for the end of the class sitting quietly in the waiting room or on the stands?

Obviously, the questions to ask depend on the values ​​that are dear to your family . To help you define yours, we invite you to fill out your own scale of values ​​using the little trick that we have prepared for you.

And, if you want to learn more about the subject, check out the book Les Belles Combines which contains a complete section devoted to values.

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