Parents working from home: tips and advice for independent children

30 July, 2024 • Par Natacha Langlois

When you work from home and the children go to school, their return home at the end of the day can quickly prove to be the end of your productivity or even your working day altogether! In order for your children to be independent and carry out their routine without needing your supervision, here are some tips and practical tools :

  • Use our little five- or ten-step routine chart to show them the tasks they need to do when they get home from school . Think about including homework, preparing their lunch the next day and a household chore so that they are not only busy, but actively participate in family life!
  • Do not hesitate to positively reinforce their autonomy : for example, grant them a token to use in the General Store each time they manage to complete all the steps of their back-to-school routine without your help.
  • If possible, take the time to give them 10 or 15 minutes when they get home from school so that they can tell you about their day or share their experiences with you. They will feel listened to and important, and will therefore certainly be more inclined to collaborate afterwards!
  • If your children are still young and have trouble fully understanding all the different steps to be carried out according to a given task (doing their homework, having a snack, etc.), use our small self-adhesive sequences , which you can have them in strategic places that will allow your little ones to know exactly what they have to do .

Do your children persist in disturbing you or asking you a thousand and one questions while you try to work a little longer? Download the poster and the “ghost” necklace from the practical guide, which will show them in a playful way that they can certainly show a little more autonomy!