Growing a Green Future: A Parent's Handbook for Raising Environmental Awareness in Children

15 April, 2024 • Par Natacha Langlois

In a world where environmental issues are obviously taking center stage, it is essential to teach our children respect and protection of our planet , while of course taking care not to make them anxious about its future. Here are some practical and fun ideas to gently raise their awareness of the importance of the environment.

Discovering the environment

For children to be aware of the importance of preserving the nature around them, it is of course important that they are aware of its existence and all its hidden treasures ! So take advantage of the weekends to go for a walk in the forest with them (even the local park could do the trick!) and gently introduce them to their environment : the air they breathe thanks to the oxygen provided by the trees, the water flowing in the river, the animals they meet, etc. Make sure to use simple terms and show them how each element of nature is connected to each other. These outdoor walks are a perfect opportunity to instill an admiration for nature and to gradually build respect for the living world.

The importance of the 3Rs

Take time with your children to explain to them what the 3Rs mean (reduction at source, reuse, recycling and recovery), and try to include them as much as possible in your choices and your family's daily life. Invite them to ask themselves the following questions when the time comes, for example, to make a purchase or dispose of an object :

  • Do I really need this item? The waste that pollutes the least is the one we don't produce!
  • Could I give this object a second life? Take the time to repair damaged clothes, do DIY projects to redecorate your bedroom, give a used gift for a birthday, etc.
  • Can I recycle this item instead of throwing it away? Is there a version made from recycled materials of this item I want to buy? Recycling helps preserve natural resources and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

These two little tricks will certainly help them when the time comes to sort their toys or equipment at the end of the school year:

Being a role model

Of course, children learn first and foremost by imitation, and if you want to make them aware of the importance of the environment, it is of course important that you take good care of it yourself ! Whether it is through small gestures (turning off the tap or turning off the lights, for example), by reducing the use of single-use plastic, by using active transport or by buying used clothes and toys, you show your children that you also care about the environment and at the same time invite them to follow in your footsteps.

Learning while having fun

There are a multitude of ways to show your children the importance of the environment, and to do so while having fun. Here are some ideas:

  • Gardening : An activity that is both educational and fun, gardening not only teaches patience and a sense of responsibility, but also demonstrates the importance of the life cycle of plants, in addition to giving children the satisfaction of a job well done when they finally see the fruit of their efforts bloom.
  • DIY : always remember to reuse the contents of your recycling bin to make crafts with your children which will obviously allow them to develop their creativity, but also to give value to objects previously considered as waste.
  • Games : board games with an environmental theme will allow your children to discover the countless riches of the planet, to observe the diversity of life on Earth and thus to become aware of the preservation of this extraordinary nature.

Raising children's awareness about the environment is not only beneficial for our planet; it also teaches them values ​​of responsibility, respect and curiosity. As parents, you have a key role to play in this learning and remember: every little action counts!

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