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Vol-au-vent for the lunch box
An elegant way to reinvent lunch with a classic of French cuisine! Garnish your vol-au-vent with your favorite sauce kept warm in a thermos.

- 4 vol-au-vent crusts
- 4 cups of your favorite vol-au-vent sauce (chicken, seafood, mushroom, etc.)https://bonpourtoi.ca/recettes/vol-au-vent-au-poulet/
- Fill the thermos with hot sauce.
- Place each vol-au-vent crust in a separate airtight container.
For the adventurers
Notes and tips
Notes and tips:
Prepare your favorite sauce the night before dinner and reserve a portion for lunches.
Preheating the thermos properly guarantees a hot sauce until lunchtime.
Vol-au-vent crusts will keep for 2-3 days in an airtight container at room temperature.