Practical tips for balancing your time budget
07 November, 2022
If you often feel like you don't know where all your time is going, that you're constantly on the run, or that your partner always seems to have more free time than you, it's time to rebalance your time budget ! To do this, follow these few tips that will certainly help you manage your schedule more effectively and finally prioritize what really matters to you .
Establish your current time budget
Download this little trick and take a moment to note the time you currently devote to each area of your life. If you are in a relationship, make sure to have your spouse complete it as well so that you can easily see if the sharing of tasks and mental load is done fairly within your household .
Fill in your value scale
To know what activities you should prioritize and give more time to in your schedule, you first need to know what is truly important to you . So take a moment to fill out this values scale alone or with your family to get a clear vision of what you should prioritize.
Reorganize your schedule
After completing the two previous exercises, do you realize that you spend way too much time commuting or that you don't devote enough hours to physical activity, even though health is a primary value for you? First, try to see what you could delegate , whether to your spouse, your children or someone you hire for this purpose. Then look at what you can simply let go of: washing the floor less often or eating simpler meals certainly won't hurt anyone! Finally, evaluate the possibility of reorganizing your schedule : finding a job closer to home to reduce the time spent commuting, signing up for an organized sports activity, etc.
Finally, because time is a precious commodity, here are a few random tips to ensure you don't waste any of it unnecessarily:
- Turn off notifications from various apps on your cell phone so that you are not constantly disturbed unnecessarily.
- Be organized: Neatly organized items and a well-planned schedule can save you several precious minutes!
- Promote children's autonomy: independent children will save you from always having to manage their activities and will allow you to get a helping hand that is certainly appreciated in carrying out various daily tasks.
To help you get more organized, discover all our tools:
Complete family organization set
Also discover our tools to promote children’s autonomy:
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