A summer vacation rhythm

06 April, 2020

Like most people, I'm looking forward to the end of school and the arrival of summer! Returning to a gentler and more flexible rhythm for a few weeks will do my little ones and me a world of good.

In this article, I present to you the essentials of our summer family rhythm and some simple and sweet inspirations that might make you want to try it too!

The summer rhythm is very different from the rhythm of other seasons, simply because in summer, we have fewer obligations. We are, in general, more flexible. There is no school, no homework, no lessons, etc. Our family evenings are (in general!) more relaxed. There may of course be lessons and practices for certain sports activities for the children, but we are definitely often less in a rush.

Create our own rhythm

It is important to know that the family rhythm is unique to each family. There is no single procedure or way of doing things and it is important to adapt it to the needs and reality of your tribe : your work schedule, the number of children, the ages of the children, your geographical location, etc. Here are some suggestions for projects and activities that will allow you to be inspired and to set your own summer rhythm:


  • Hiking with the Nature Journal
  • Take walks with the Nature Treasure Hunt
  • Make a herbarium
  • Have more picnics (not in the yard!)
  • Go on bike tours
  • Go pick strawberries, blueberries, apples
  • Go to the market


  • Making Dream Catchers
  • Make play dough (I already do it, but do it with the kids!)
  • Make a family tree with photos
  • Make a puppet theater
  • Make a Chinese shadow theater

Others :

Finally, summer is a great time to try things that we don't always take the time to do during the year, to leave room for lightness, simplicity and spontaneity.

Take the time to think about your summer rhythm, what you want to include in it and then go for it and let the rhythm of summer guide you!

Happy summer!

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