3 mindfulness activities to take a break from screens (to do alone or with the kids)

26 October, 2022 • Par Seasonal

Let's face it, we too, as adults, could benefit from less screen time. Fatigue, blue light, distractions, interruptions, posture, obsession (with notifications), even compulsion (to refresh news feeds we've just looked at): what if we left our phone at the bottom of our bag for a few hours in favor of more inspiring activities? Our brain, our body... and our children will thank us!

Active meditation

Active meditation involves putting on your sneakers and go out for some fresh air. Whether in your immediate surroundings or on a special outing in nature, active meditation is accessible and can even be completed during your lunch hour at work.

  • As you walk, start by breathing deeply , in silence.
  • Become aware of the thoughts that are in your mind and slowly turn your attention away from them and towards your surroundings.
  • Mentally, name the details that you observe around you that are specific to the current season.
  • Pay attention to bodily sensations :
    • The temperature of the air, the sun
    • Wind, seasonal allergies
    • The smells, the sounds

If you have children with you, name your observations out loud and see what catches their eye. And that's the basics of the art of disconnecting!

“Toast” to the current season

Exercise your literary creativity! Half gratitude exercise, of mindfulness and writing, we invite you to make a list of everything you like about the current season while playing with words and turns of phrase. Orally or in writing, we can make this exercise something very heartfelt or funnier. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

  • Ode to my favorite season
  • The rhythm of the seasons
  • Seasonal contrasts
  • Seasonal rituals
  • Do, see, feel, be.
  • Seasonal scene
  • Childhood season
  • Seasonal food
  • Seasonal Nature

Poetry collage on the current season

Want to get creative (even if you don't consider yourself creative at all)? Swap your pencil for magazine cutouts and create a painting! You can even write a poem about the current season or seasons in general using the words you cut out. Everyone loves it!

This blog post is part of our special feature “Managing Screens”. To see all the content in this feature, which offers tips and advice to make managing screens at home easier, check out this article !