How is your mental load? Do you sometimes feel saturated, like a glass of water where the sugar can no longer dissolve?
It is important to become aware of one's own mental load , especially the emotional load, and to understand what weighs on one's mind. This awareness is indeed the first step to understanding one's beliefs, expectations, sources of stress, and especially one's priorities . There is then a recognition of the gap between what is important to oneself and the reality experienced, and how this gap contributes to increasing one's emotional load.
While it can be difficult to change some aspects of life, such as work culture or personal relationships, it is important to recognize these limitations . Taking time for yourself on a regular basis , using tools such as a journal for example, also represents a crucial step in properly managing the mental load.
It is therefore necessary to give yourself permission to meet your needs and explore strategies to lighten your mental load , including managing the supply of information and establishing clear boundaries. No one is immune to mental fatigue, and it is therefore important to know yourself to better manage the information overload and high expectations of modern society .
Finally, sharing the mental load within the family is obviously essential , and it is therefore necessary to have realistic conversations as a couple about each person's level of comfort and mental saturation. The idea is to find a balance where everyone manages a comfortable mental load , rather than focusing solely on the distribution of tasks.
Want to learn more tips on how to effectively share your mental load in your daily life ? Take a few minutes to listen to this podcast!
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