In order to avoid burnout, it is essential to recognize and manage the mental load experienced on a daily basis , which goes far beyond the tasks to be accomplished and thus also includes cognitive and emotional aspects.
So, what are the strategies to use to lighten and share this mental load ? First, it is important to ask yourself the following question: "How much is enough?", which will allow us to determine what is essential and a priority . This approach will also help us to more easily delegate tasks and ask for help , thus facilitating the sharing of the mental load.
Next, it is important to focus on what is personally rewarding and thus take a step back to ask yourself what is important to you , in order to maintain good energy and find satisfaction in your efforts. Conserving your energy gives us the certainty that we cannot do everything and confidence in our ability to organize our days in a satisfactory way.
Finally, of course, you need to set boundaries, respect yourself, and give yourself permission to not accomplish everything. Realizing that your to-do list will never be completely finished allows you to focus on what really matters and create space to enjoy life . Adopting a “several small sprints instead of one long marathon” approach helps foster a healthier balance.
Curious to learn more about different ways to find balance in your daily life ? Stop by for a few moments to listen to this podcast!
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