When the child reaches a certain age, usually around four years old, he becomes able to understand that he sometimes has to wait before being rewarded for the efforts made . The Magasin général Les Belles Combines is the perfect tool to help your child achieve this kind of learning, as he will indeed have to learn to work but to only receive a reward for the efforts made once a week. This skill will be useful to him throughout his life, as much in his personal life as at school, where he will only receive his diploma at the end of his studies, or at work, where he will be paid only once every two weeks.
If you're having trouble finding reasons to award tokens to children and reward their efforts , here are a few:
Household chores
Of course, it is important to teach children that the collaboration of everyone within the family organization is essential for the smooth running of the day and that each task performed does not always deserve to be paid. However, in order to motivate your little ones and your big ones to accomplish household chores with a positive attitude and independently , do not hesitate to give them a few tokens for certain tasks, especially those that require more effort.
Good behaviors
If your child has difficulty playing harmoniously with others or has a bad habit of resolving conflicts with aggression, you can offer him tokens each time he manages to make the necessary efforts to adopt the expected behaviors during a certain period of time . In addition, the more your child is rewarded for his good moves, the more likely he will be to repeat the desired behaviors!
Gestures of autonomy
Does your child surprise you by completing his entire morning routine alone or by taking the initiative to set the table without you asking him? Seize this perfect opportunity to give him tokens that will concretely reward his growing autonomy !
As you will have understood, any occasion where your child has to make an effort is a good reason to give him tokens to use in the General Store. Not only will this allow him to increase his motivation to carry out his tasks, to adopt the expected behaviors and to develop his autonomy , but the wait necessary to obtain his reward will allow him to calmly learn to postpone the effort of pleasure !
Discover all the Les Belles Combines tools to use in addition to the General Store:
Les Belles Combines tools for adopting good behaviors
Les Belles Combines tools for collaboration on household chores
Les Belles Combines tools for developing autonomy
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