Mom, I've lost my mittens again!

20 December, 2018

January is barely started that Laurier has already lost 2 mittens (of the same hand), two faux-collars and the beautiful little reusable juice box that I had bought him for ecological and economic reasons. Each time, I ask him to take a look at the lost objects of the school. I tell myself that thanks to the labels Stick to me that I have carefully affixed to each of his items he will certainly find what he has misplaced. Almost every time, he forgets and I have to go there myself in order to search this famous box in search of the lost item. Sometimes I find him, sometimes I don't. It inspers with me!   My mother tells me that it is normal at her age, that she lived the same with me when I was little. For my part, I am unable to resign myself and wait for maturity to strike him at once, suddenly making him responsible. So, in my head of mother-who-says-there-a-always-something-to-do, in my brain of mom-who-refuses-to abdicate-before-the-bad-habits-of-my-children, I imagined and tested a solution. If this solution has worked with us, perhaps it will be as effective with your little lunatics. It's worth a try!   For several years now, we have been using General Store At home. Do you know anything about that? This is the positive reinforcement system created by Les Belles Combines to stimulate the development of good behaviours in children. Children do their tasks and/or adopt a good behavioral attitude and in exchange, we give them small blocks of wood. Depending on the number of blocks accumulated (5, 10 or 20), they can then "buy" rewards or privilege coupons that end up in the General Store box.   After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that having a new toque, new mittens or a new lunchbox to replace the one we lost was a privilege in itself. So we inserted a Radius of "Lost Objects" 20 blocks from our store. A small combine to download for free, which can be printed and pasted on the inside wall of the store. I told my marmalade that from now on, they would have to pay 20 blocks to participate in the purchase of replacement unitem when they lose or damage an object.   The idea behind all this is to make them understand the value of things. Even as an adult, when you have to pay money to replace a basic necessities, unfortunately you can no longer afford small extras. That's life! Having to pay 20 blocks for new mittens, son realized that he no longer had enough blocks to get the two pots of playdough he coveted. I swear to you that this time I didn't have to make him think of going to search the school's box of lost items. He went on his own! I love the General Store! Much more than a positive reinforcement system, this tool is a very nice introduction to consumption and the notion of economy. A fun way to teach them real life. Because you'll probably have to buy back some items anyway, the Mother Helen shophas decided to offer you a promo code that can be used online or in-store. With the code OBJET15 you will get a 15% off the Colle à moi Labels The General Store of Les Belles Combines Snack pouches from various brands Fuel accessories Squooshi pouches Drink in the box Tuques and mittens of various brands It's time to equip yourself and wage war on lost items!