Oatmeal and Dried Fruit Cookie Parfaits

Repurpose your leftover oatmeal and dried fruit cookies (if you can save any!) into this parfait combining crumbled cookies and yogurt in the flavor of your choice to make the perfect snack or breakfast treat!


5 min
Freeze for three months.

  • Ingredients

    • 8 oatmeal and dried fruit cookies
    • 2 cups yogurt (flavor of your choice)
  • Preparation

    1. Prepare 4 250 ml jars with lids.
    2. Crumble one cookie per jar.
    3. Add ½ cup of yogurt to each pot.
    4. Finish with a crumbled biscuit per jar.

For the adventurers

Notes and tips

Place the parfaits in the freezer for an ice cold version.

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